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SELECTION FOR A NON TENURE- TRACK, FIXED TERM POSITION OF ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in accordance with art. 24 paragraph 3, letter a) of Italian law 240/2010 - TECIP INSTITUTE

  • Call notice date 03.10.2017
  • Deadline for application submission 15.11.2017

The Sant'Anna School by Rectoral Decree no. 523  dated October, 3,  2017, whose notice has been published on Gazzetta Ufficiale - Serie Concorsi ed Esami no. 82  dated 27/10/2017,   has opened a public selection for the recruitment of an assistant professors (ricercatori a tempo determinato) with full time positions, non tenure track temporary  contracts (3 years) pursuant to art. 24 paragraph 3 letter A of Italian Law no. 240/2010 in the Academic Recruitment Field of Information Processing Systems (SC 09/H2) at the TECIP Institute.

Deadline: by November 15, 2017, at 1 p.m. (Italian Time: GMT+1)

To apply please click here:

procedura telematica     


The interviews will take place on December 1,  2017 . All candidates have been admitted to the interview.

The interview will take place on December 1,  2017 at 11 a.m. at the TECIP Institute in Via Moruzzi 1, Pisa


By Rectoral Decree no. 632 dated November, 22, 2017 has been appointed the selection committee


Committee's Meeting

First meeting on November, 24, 2017. The committee has decided the  criteria for the evaluation of the candidates.


By Rectoral Decree no. 663 dated December, 7, 2017 has been declared winner Dr. Alessandro Biondi.


For further information, please contact the Human Resources Department (Tel. +39-050-883.575/258, e-mail